The most obvious resolution would be a bigger battery. This poses a problem for Apple as the iPhone 5S shares the same chassis as the 5, so there's not a lot of additional space to play with. Regardless it has managed to increase the size from 1440mAh to 1560mAh, about 8%. Together with the touted iOS 7 efficiency improvements and processor efficiencies we did notice that the iPhone 5 outlasts the iPhone 5.
The most obvious resolution would be a bigger battery. This poses a problem for Apple as the iPhone 5S shares the same chassis as the 5, so there's not a lot of additional space to play with. Regardless it has managed to increase the size from 1440mAh to 1560mAh, about 8%. Together with the touted iOS 7 efficiency improvements and processor efficiencies we did notice that the iPhone 5 outlasts the iPhone 5.